SQE Health and Safety

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Workplace Inspections

Workplace inspections are a vital element of any safety management system. They should be used to determine whether you are meeting the standards you have set for your workplace and work activities.

They are important because if they are carried out effectively, they allow you to identify and remedy problems before they become more serious or result in an incident or accident.

Inspections are a way of systematically checking that your working environment and procedures are meeting the required standards. An inspection should identify hazards and be your first step in introducing measures to improve conditions. They can be formal, informal, recorded or unrecorded, but what is important is that they are carried out to a set standard at an appropriate frequency.

Formal inspections can take different forms and you and your representatives will need to decide on the best methods for your business. Some examples of different types of workplace inspection are:

  • Safety tours – general inspections of the workplace
  • Safety sampling – Systematic sampling of particular dangerous activities, processes or areas.
  • Safety surveys – general inspections of particular dangerous activities, processes or areas.
  • Incident inspections – carried out after an accident causing an injury, fatality, near miss which could have resulted in an injury or case of ill health.




The frequency of inspections will vary depending on the nature of the work. Workplace inspections may be less often for low risk environments such as offices. But if there are areas with higher risk work being undertaken these may require more frequent inspection.

Following a workplace inspection communication is key. Discuss the findings of the assessment with your representatives and explain the reason behind any follow up actions you have decided to take.

There may be times when action may not be appropriate, you may not be able to react in a reasonable amount of time, it could introduce additional risks, etc. In instances like this it is advisable to explain the reasons for the action you have decided in writing to your representatives.

SQE undertake all elements of workplace inspections from initial audits and incident inspections through to ongoing reviews. Whether in an office, factory or out on a construction site SQE can help with you workplace inspection requirements.

To discuss your workplace inspection requirements, or to book an inspection please contact us or call 029 2036 2033.

T: 029 2036 2033 E: info@sqe.ltd.uk